Sarah Palin hatin on goodness?
From a Christianity standpoint, one can't help but see a parallel in the way Jesus was treated during his campaign for change in Jerusalem and the way Barack is now being treated by the GOP and its followers. By most accounts Barack Obama is a good charactered, principled person, who sees and consistently articulates what man can achieve if mankind would focus on tapping into the neighborly side of ones nature and character. His focus on the "I am my brother's keeper" principle is met with (by the likes of Palin/McCain) that's what he says and does but ooooh, he hangs around "bad" people who challenge the system that we love and worship.
John McCain and Sarah Palin, like the Pharisees in Jesus' time were; are surrounded with good energy and yet they can not for the life of them tap into it. It is foreign to them. Elizabeth Hasselbeck of the ABC show "The View" is another great example of one who just can't feel it or get into it. One can only wonder, what is good to them? seeing as, they are not able to articulate anything positive...ever. It amazes me that obviously blessed people cannot find anything positive to say about one another. They can only point out what is so bad about this obviously great man Barack Obama.
I know some people do not even believe Jesus existed, but let's just look at the events as a story and not an actual event, because this is an argument I do not wish to have-- ever. As the story goes Jesus was running around saying things like love one another as you love yourself. Forgive one another and you shall be forgiven by our Father who is in heaven. Believe and you will be saved into our Father's Kingdom, there‘s freedom in the Kingdom of God. These things were foreign to the Jewish leaders of the time and contrary to the oppression the people of God were under, yet these principles offered hope to thousands and thousands of people all through out their regions. Now I’m not saying Barack is Jesus or anything but his experience is certainly a Jesus like experience according to the story.
For instance, today in the news; it was reported that at a GOP rally in which Sarah Palin spoke some people or person in the audience responded angrily when Palin referenced Obama...they yelled to the top of their lungs, Treason! and Kill him! I don't know about you, but didn’t this very same scenario play out in the story of Jesus as he crusaded all across Jerusalem challenging the religious and political figures of the time? The Parallels are uncanny and might I add without coincidence. I love the book of Zechariah in the English bible, it means Yahweh or God remembers. Could it be that God is putting us in remembrance of his history with us, mankind. I am unequivocally a believer in a higher power and that power being God almighty. These events strike me as not odd or ordinary. They are a reminder to those who believe that His promises of a blessed nation are faithful. All of these polititions, all three confess Christianity! but! two of them are not exactly speaking the King's language of unity and blessing for all called by the Kingdom of God, which is a whole other system and existance.
Yes, I am fighting for and a supporter of Barack Obama to become our next American President. I actually praise God for his arrival and him as a blessing! and yes, I praise God for George Bush, John McCain and Sarah Palin for reminding me that I as a believer in Jesus Christ and our Father who is in Heaven, that I must continue the good fight against people who I consider contrary to Christian principles. I am reminded every year when asked what one would wish for in the new year, 99.9% of thoughtful mankind say world peace not war. I truly believe that God desires to give us just that for a season...and maybe just maybe this is the season for it. That wouldn’t be a bad thing now would it? I also, truly believe, mankind was created for paradise...otherwise why are we all striving to recreate it or create it for ourselves and or our loved ones. Could it be that a big huge mirror is being held up right now? And when you look into this mirror, how do you really see yourself? An ambassador for good or and ambassador against peace, forgiveness, against every man and or woman given the fair chance at provision and even prosperity. When God almighty blessed Abraham, He blessed him and said, be blessed so that all the families in the earth are blessed. Not just John McCain's family or Sarah's or Barack's...all families.
There is nothing fair or blessed when one side of the country or even the globe is trying to cut the other off because they believe it is their right to have over others and at the expense of others (Israel, Palestine). This is why Barack's message of unity within the “United States” and even beyond the American borders is so important. It is in fact a God message, yes our higher power's message.
The current system we live under has not been conducive to fairness (bad word to the GOP), when one segment of society is given special privileges over another because of ethnicity, gender and or both. When one segment of society has been given the secrets and access to prosperity while the other has been victimized by purposeful, targeted suppression of wealth and knowledge. Please don‘t tell me it isn’t so. This is the same country that once practiced killing a black man or woman, or beat women half to death for striving to learn or be free from oppression. And now, the same type of thing, in a different way, is going on now within our public education system. How does one explain schooling without teachers and books? What is that? It's deliberate, and then the pundits and powers that be wonder why kids are having mad sex at such a young age and succumbing to drugs and or alcohol at the age of 6 and 7? That would be the result of no structure, no education, no guidance. Something the GOP would like to continue. Something the GOP would like to block from the American people by attempting to tear down a good and decent leader, with vision, a man like Barack Obama. Like Jesus in the Christian bible story overcoming his enemies, I see Barack and his message of goodwill and hope accomplishing the same victory!
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