Diversity in Presidential Debate Moderators 2008
By Nina Calahan-James fortune500Hr05@yahoo.com,
Freelance Writer - Oct 6th, 2008 at 4:01 pm EDT
Where is the Diversity in Presidential Debate Moderators? This year the Presidential Debates should have a sparkle similar to Christmas morning.Just as a child is excited by the anticipation of waking up to see what’s under the Christmas tree, so should this year’s presidential debates. Isn’t the presidential campaign much more exciting and interesting when young people, 18-25, 26-35 years of age, people of color, women and diversity are more involved?
Diversity presented direct eye contact on Tuesday’s Vice Presidential Debate with Sarah Palin and Joe Biden with moderator Gwen Ifill. For this momentous history making campaign with the highest number ever of democratic voter registration and what some call, the political internet underground railroad; emerging through the innovative brilliance of technology savvy teams baked with the mesmerizing democratic convention in Denver and iced with the United States Wall Street; Can you bail us out, help a brother out Financial Crisis of 2008; How dare the Non Partisan Commission on Presidential Debates, ignore the platinum opportunity for diversity in debate moderators!
In my opinion, it appears just as John McCain, was afraid to look at Barack Obama during the first Presidential Debate on September the Commission on Presidential Debates is also afraid to add a favorable ingredient, a spice of diversity to the Moderator team.First Jim Leher, 74 of PBSOct. 7 Tom Brokaw, 68 of NBC Oct 15, Bob Schieffer, 71 of CBS. Clearly this team of renowned journalist is not the unbeatable championship team of diversity in age, race and gender that have been so historic among candidates in this 2008 presidential race. This is not the team to rattle sports commentaries conversations to neighborhood beauty salons and churchgoer’s conversations.
It would be more than dazzling and entertaining but thought provoking from sizzling questions, continual advantageous dialogue and directive stimulating eye contact, to challenge beyond the pre cognitive organization of an answer if the following individuals were considered to be moderators: Soledad O’Brien, a biracial journalist who anchors the series of Black in America. The Famous Barbara Waters from the View, Diana Sawyer of Good Morning America. A few of my favorites, David Gergen, CNN Political Analyst, Harvard University Professor of Public Service and Director of the Center for Public Leadership. David Gergen has been an advisor to many presidents, Clinton and Nixon to name a few.

The Commission on Presidential Debates should consider, someone of color like Roland S. Martin, popular CNN Analyst and new Senior Analyst for the Tom Joyner Morning Show in Dallas. How about Moderators especially from the most important state to win, right here in Michigan. We have Steve Wilson, Chief Investigator for Channel Seven Action News. Next up to bat, having supreme prodigious capabilities, author and black journalist, Mr. Bankole Thompson, Senior Editor of the Michigan Chronicle. Looking to hit a homerun for the dynamic flavor of diversity, Diane Lewis, Channel Seven Action News Anchor Woman. Imagine the questions they each would generate, penetrating each presidential campaign groomsmen to be piercing, sharp with tips and pointers to respond readily on minute one of the next presidential debate.

The Commission on Debates miscast the moderators for the 2008 Presidential Debates.In the future, diversity must be represented. There should be no debate about that! Al Neuharth, USA Today Founder, Plain Talk made an interesting point, as he questioned why no woman as a debate moderator? “In a race where all the energy and enthusiasm have been generated by two women and a person of color the debate commission failed big time in prime time” Tavis Smiley, host, PBS and Public Radio International shows.
Nina Calahan-James Freelance Writer
Michigan, Campaign for Change
Founder & CEO of Domestic Intervention Violence Awareness Services &
**Gwen Ifill has been the only woman to moderate a presidential debate and only African American in this general election cycle. Some observers suggest that the moderators are cast because of their unbiased delivery.
1 comment:
I agree with her. Where can I read more of her articles?
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