Obama's vision and a plea to renew a Spirit of Sacrifice,
Service and Responsibility...
*Actress Eva Mendes Looking Quite Chique!
Taking a break in London on Regent Street

Star Jones - Living Her Life Like It's Golden!
Star's interview in new edition of Essence magazine

Star Jones - Living Her Life Like It's Golden!
Star's interview in new edition of Essence magazine

Winner of Nobel Peace Prize on Economics Paul Krugman Frightened by a McCain Presidency

October 13, 2008. Krugman won the 2008 Nobel prize in economics for his analysis of how economies of scale can affect international trade patterns. The prize committee said on Monday that Mr. Krugman won purely on scientific merit and not his liberal political views.
A Guest Blogger Questions Diversity in the Debate Presentations

Diversity in Presidential Debate Moderators 2008
By Nina Calahan-James fortune500Hr05@yahoo.com,
Freelance Writer - Oct 6th, 2008 at 4:01 pm EDT
Where is the Diversity in Presidential Debate Moderators? This year the Presidential Debates should have a sparkle similar to Christmas morning.Just as a child is excited by the anticipation of waking up to see what’s under the Christmas tree, so should this year’s presidential debates. Isn’t the presidential campaign much more exciting and interesting when young people, 18-25, 26-35 years of age, people of color, women and diversity are more involved?
Diversity presented direct eye contact on Tuesday’s Vice Presidential Debate with Sarah Palin and Joe Biden with moderator Gwen Ifill. For this momentous history making campaign with the highest number ever of democratic voter registration and what some call, the political internet underground railroad; emerging through the innovative brilliance of technology savvy teams baked with the mesmerizing democratic convention in Denver and iced with the United States Wall Street; Can you bail us out, help a brother out Financial Crisis of 2008; How dare the Non Partisan Commission on Presidential Debates, ignore the platinum opportunity for diversity in debate moderators!
In my opinion, it appears just as John McCain, was afraid to look at Barack Obama during the first Presidential Debate on September the Commission on Presidential Debates is also afraid to add a favorable ingredient, a spice of diversity to the Moderator team.First Jim Leher, 74 of PBSOct. 7 Tom Brokaw, 68 of NBC Oct 15, Bob Schieffer, 71 of CBS. Clearly this team of renowned journalist is not the unbeatable championship team of diversity in age, race and gender that have been so historic among candidates in this 2008 presidential race. This is not the team to rattle sports commentaries conversations to neighborhood beauty salons and churchgoer’s conversations.
It would be more than dazzling and entertaining but thought provoking from sizzling questions, continual advantageous dialogue and directive stimulating eye contact, to challenge beyond the pre cognitive organization of an answer if the following individuals were considered to be moderators: Soledad O’Brien, a biracial journalist who anchors the series of Black in America. The Famous Barbara Waters from the View, Diana Sawyer of Good Morning America. A few of my favorites, David Gergen, CNN Political Analyst, Harvard University Professor of Public Service and Director of the Center for Public Leadership. David Gergen has been an advisor to many presidents, Clinton and Nixon to name a few.

The Commission on Presidential Debates should consider, someone of color like Roland S. Martin, popular CNN Analyst and new Senior Analyst for the Tom Joyner Morning Show in Dallas. How about Moderators especially from the most important state to win, right here in Michigan. We have Steve Wilson, Chief Investigator for Channel Seven Action News. Next up to bat, having supreme prodigious capabilities, author and black journalist, Mr. Bankole Thompson, Senior Editor of the Michigan Chronicle. Looking to hit a homerun for the dynamic flavor of diversity, Diane Lewis, Channel Seven Action News Anchor Woman. Imagine the questions they each would generate, penetrating each presidential campaign groomsmen to be piercing, sharp with tips and pointers to respond readily on minute one of the next presidential debate.

The Commission on Debates miscast the moderators for the 2008 Presidential Debates.In the future, diversity must be represented. There should be no debate about that! Al Neuharth, USA Today Founder, Plain Talk made an interesting point, as he questioned why no woman as a debate moderator? “In a race where all the energy and enthusiasm have been generated by two women and a person of color the debate commission failed big time in prime time” Tavis Smiley, host, PBS and Public Radio International shows.
Nina Calahan-James Freelance Writer
Michigan, Campaign for Change
Founder & CEO of Domestic Intervention Violence Awareness Services &
**Gwen Ifill has been the only woman to moderate a presidential debate and only African American in this general election cycle. Some observers suggest that the moderators are cast because of their unbiased delivery.

By Michael Mishak
Justin Timberlake will headline a rally and canvass kickoff for Sen. Barack Obama Saturday in Las Vegas.
Timberlake rounds out a busy week of surrogate activity in Nevada. Arizona Gov. Janet Napolitano campaigned on Obama's behalf in Reno Sunday. Former Sen. Majority Leader Tom Daschle appeared in Las Vegas Wednesday. Montana Sen. Jon Tester is hosting economic roundtables in rural Nevada today, and New Mexico Gov. Bill Richardson will be in town tomorrow.
The Timberlake event at the Clark County Amphitheater is free and open to the public. The event is aimed at engaging the youth vote. The last day to register to vote in person at county election offices is Oct. 14. Early voting begins Oct. 18.
The singer is also in town to do a couple of benefits for the Shriners hospitals. He's hosting a PGA tourney and a pro-am -- officially, the Justin Timberlake Shriners Hospitals for Children Open -- Monday through Oct. 19 at TPC Summerlin. And Timberlake and his singing buddies -- Maroon 5, Rascal Flatts and the Jonas Brothers -- perform Oct. 17 at Planet Hollywood.
You Mean To Tell Me She Doesn't Know That She's A Pharisee?

Sarah Palin hatin on goodness?
From a Christianity standpoint, one can't help but see a parallel in the way Jesus was treated during his campaign for change in Jerusalem and the way Barack is now being treated by the GOP and its followers. By most accounts Barack Obama is a good charactered, principled person, who sees and consistently articulates what man can achieve if mankind would focus on tapping into the neighborly side of ones nature and character. His focus on the "I am my brother's keeper" principle is met with (by the likes of Palin/McCain) that's what he says and does but ooooh, he hangs around "bad" people who challenge the system that we love and worship.
John McCain and Sarah Palin, like the Pharisees in Jesus' time were; are surrounded with good energy and yet they can not for the life of them tap into it. It is foreign to them. Elizabeth Hasselbeck of the ABC show "The View" is another great example of one who just can't feel it or get into it. One can only wonder, what is good to them? seeing as, they are not able to articulate anything positive...ever. It amazes me that obviously blessed people cannot find anything positive to say about one another. They can only point out what is so bad about this obviously great man Barack Obama.
I know some people do not even believe Jesus existed, but let's just look at the events as a story and not an actual event, because this is an argument I do not wish to have-- ever. As the story goes Jesus was running around saying things like love one another as you love yourself. Forgive one another and you shall be forgiven by our Father who is in heaven. Believe and you will be saved into our Father's Kingdom, there‘s freedom in the Kingdom of God. These things were foreign to the Jewish leaders of the time and contrary to the oppression the people of God were under, yet these principles offered hope to thousands and thousands of people all through out their regions. Now I’m not saying Barack is Jesus or anything but his experience is certainly a Jesus like experience according to the story.
For instance, today in the news; it was reported that at a GOP rally in which Sarah Palin spoke some people or person in the audience responded angrily when Palin referenced Obama...they yelled to the top of their lungs, Treason! and Kill him! I don't know about you, but didn’t this very same scenario play out in the story of Jesus as he crusaded all across Jerusalem challenging the religious and political figures of the time? The Parallels are uncanny and might I add without coincidence. I love the book of Zechariah in the English bible, it means Yahweh or God remembers. Could it be that God is putting us in remembrance of his history with us, mankind. I am unequivocally a believer in a higher power and that power being God almighty. These events strike me as not odd or ordinary. They are a reminder to those who believe that His promises of a blessed nation are faithful. All of these polititions, all three confess Christianity! but! two of them are not exactly speaking the King's language of unity and blessing for all called by the Kingdom of God, which is a whole other system and existance.
Yes, I am fighting for and a supporter of Barack Obama to become our next American President. I actually praise God for his arrival and him as a blessing! and yes, I praise God for George Bush, John McCain and Sarah Palin for reminding me that I as a believer in Jesus Christ and our Father who is in Heaven, that I must continue the good fight against people who I consider contrary to Christian principles. I am reminded every year when asked what one would wish for in the new year, 99.9% of thoughtful mankind say world peace not war. I truly believe that God desires to give us just that for a season...and maybe just maybe this is the season for it. That wouldn’t be a bad thing now would it? I also, truly believe, mankind was created for paradise...otherwise why are we all striving to recreate it or create it for ourselves and or our loved ones. Could it be that a big huge mirror is being held up right now? And when you look into this mirror, how do you really see yourself? An ambassador for good or and ambassador against peace, forgiveness, against every man and or woman given the fair chance at provision and even prosperity. When God almighty blessed Abraham, He blessed him and said, be blessed so that all the families in the earth are blessed. Not just John McCain's family or Sarah's or Barack's...all families.
There is nothing fair or blessed when one side of the country or even the globe is trying to cut the other off because they believe it is their right to have over others and at the expense of others (Israel, Palestine). This is why Barack's message of unity within the “United States” and even beyond the American borders is so important. It is in fact a God message, yes our higher power's message.
The current system we live under has not been conducive to fairness (bad word to the GOP), when one segment of society is given special privileges over another because of ethnicity, gender and or both. When one segment of society has been given the secrets and access to prosperity while the other has been victimized by purposeful, targeted suppression of wealth and knowledge. Please don‘t tell me it isn’t so. This is the same country that once practiced killing a black man or woman, or beat women half to death for striving to learn or be free from oppression. And now, the same type of thing, in a different way, is going on now within our public education system. How does one explain schooling without teachers and books? What is that? It's deliberate, and then the pundits and powers that be wonder why kids are having mad sex at such a young age and succumbing to drugs and or alcohol at the age of 6 and 7? That would be the result of no structure, no education, no guidance. Something the GOP would like to continue. Something the GOP would like to block from the American people by attempting to tear down a good and decent leader, with vision, a man like Barack Obama. Like Jesus in the Christian bible story overcoming his enemies, I see Barack and his message of goodwill and hope accomplishing the same victory!

Earlier this year The House Judiciary Committee served a subpoena on former top Bush aide Karl Rove to compel him to testify concerning allegations that the Department of Justice had dismissed U.S. attorneys based on party affiliation. Rove disregarded the order as well as another one from the Senate Judiciary Committee regarding a whole other abuse of power issue. Current and former White House aides have refused to testify, citing executive privilege. This is what we are fighting against. People who have pissed on the constitution and laws of the nation for their on personal purposes and gain...so don't tell me you're a reasonable person and you're voting for McCain. To me you are part of the problem and the axis of evil.

Angelina Jolie On Working With Washington on Global Issues

June 2006 - Forbes Magazine
"Fortunately, my issues are not partisan issues. Certainly, you learn to work with anybody–I’ve worked with the most hard-core Republicans. Why? I can’t wait until there’s maybe a more flexible group in office."
Rice Insists U.S. Not Trying To Undermine Russia...(We are!)
AP news source

Whatever the Bush administration says, one might as well chalk it up to be just the opposite of reality. This administration has really tried to achieve world domination through intimidation and brute force. How do you continue to intimidate when you have an unstable economy and every other nation owns a piece.
In the GOP's efforts to show the strength of America, they have revealed its weaknesses and have made its infrastructure vunerable and adminable to things that weren't even remotely imaginable. Senator Obama is right when he says Washington needs adult supervision. This administration has taken advantage of the system and now the keys to the nation must be taken back from the wreckless driver. I believe America will do just that on Nov. 4 and it will be loud and clear that America has had enough.

Whatever the Bush administration says, one might as well chalk it up to be just the opposite of reality. This administration has really tried to achieve world domination through intimidation and brute force. How do you continue to intimidate when you have an unstable economy and every other nation owns a piece.
In the GOP's efforts to show the strength of America, they have revealed its weaknesses and have made its infrastructure vunerable and adminable to things that weren't even remotely imaginable. Senator Obama is right when he says Washington needs adult supervision. This administration has taken advantage of the system and now the keys to the nation must be taken back from the wreckless driver. I believe America will do just that on Nov. 4 and it will be loud and clear that America has had enough.
What People Are Saying About The VP Debate

"Shannon Sarver"
Good stuff.
What I also noticed was that she didn't answer the
questions - and actually said she wouldn't answer them the way the
moderator wanted her to.
She crammed for the test and she was going to
make whatever was in her brain fit.
Hopefully, everyone else notices that, as well.
On Oct 2, 2008, at 8:46 PM, c c wrote:
Did anyone notice that Palin said that the US is fighting along side
the "Talibani," that she said she wanted more power than Cheney, and
that she referenced General McClellan (a civil war general, not an
Iraq War general)?
She called Joe "O'Biden" ...
Volunteer and Data Coor.
Obama 08
Faith Fuller .. wrote:
I know it sounded odd, but the commander, General David McKiernan, is the head of NATO forces in Afghanistan and Talibani is the President of Iraq
From: c c ..
Did anyone notice that Palin said that the US is fighting along side
the "Talibani," that she said she wanted more power than Cheney, and
that she referenced General McClellan (a civil war general, not an
Iraq War general)?
CNN John King 11:11PM : "National poll we conducted, Anderson, during the debate. Remember last week's debate more Democrats were watching than Republicans. Here we go right now, who did the best job in the debate? 51% said Senator Biden did the best job in the debate, 36% rated Governor Palin as doing the best job in the debates. So, if you're scoring who is the winner by that poll you'd say Senator Biden.
ABC Dowd 10:52 PM: "I think fundamentally the American public came away with this tonight, just like they came away with the debate last night, saying, you know, I'm leaning in Obama and Biden's corner, and this didn't change my mind.
Gibson: I'm amazed that we have agreement from all three of you.
CNN David Gergen 10:05 PM: People underestimating how good Biden was Biden "was really good"
CNN Alex Castellanos 10:38 PM : "The second part of the debate, you know Republicans aren't going to win debates on Iraq, I don't care who you put on that stage tonight, we're not going to win debates on Iraq and we didn't tonight. But overall, we've had a rough week as Republicans. You know, this has not been our best week.
CBS Bob Schieffer 10:35 PM: "I must say, I thought Senator Biden had a very good night. He seemed comfortable with the facts, it was clear he has dealt with these issues over the years, I thought he put his experience on display in a very good way.
MSNBC Chris Matthews 10:35 PM: "Not only did she say I'm not going to do any more interviews, it seemed, but she was saying, I'm not going to listen to uh Gwen Ifill tonight. She said I'm not going to uh give the answers the moderator wants to ask for. What an extraordinary statement. I'm not going to play by the rules and when I get elected I want more power in the office than it's had before. Hmm.. Not too much humility here.
CBS Bob Schieffer 10:35 PM: "I must say, I found it a little disconcerting, time and again, Governor Palin would just choose not to answer the question and launch into some dissertation, sometimes talking points, and not really address what Gwen Ifill had asked her.
PBS David Brooks 10:39 PM: "When he talked about his family and the death of his wife, that is a moment people remember, what they remember about the debates is the moment when you think you see the person and that was a moment where I thought you saw Joe Biden.
MSNBC Andrea Mitchell 10:38 PM: "She didn't answer the questions. And, in fact, she would say, I want to talk about taxes, which hadn't even come up.
FOX News Frank Luntz 10:44 PM: With the Luntz Polling Group was in the Anheuser-Busch Headquarters, When Asked Independent Voters Their Reactions One Voter Said, "she had a presentation about her, but that also annoyed me, too. She catered to kind of an adorability and lacked substance.
Washington Post (Eugene Robinson): Exactly an hour into the debate, Joe Biden began an answer by saying, "Facts matter, Gwen." To him, maybe. To Sarah Palin, maybe not. The pattern, so far, has been one of Biden presenting facts and Palin countering with... saying stuff. Sometimes she throws in a fact, but mostly she seems to be offering a string of approximate policy positions, encomiums to the American spirit, disputed interpretations of Barack Obama's record and anecdotes from Alaska.
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