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Permanent location @ Mandalay Bay.

President Bush Responds To Country's Financial Crisis As Lawmakers Blame One Another

President Bush offered a short prepared statement regarding the continuing process to correct the country's economic crisis. He states to the nation and the world that the process is continuing,congress must act and damage to the country will be long and painful if they do not pass this bill....unbelievable.

John McCain, the Republican nominee for President responded by saying,it was time for Congress to go back to the drawing board in addressing the economic crisis. Accompanied by his running mate, Alaska Gov. Sarah Palin,at a campaign rally in Bexley, Ohio, McCain blamed Obama and congressional Democrats for the defeat of the bailout plan in the House of Representatives.

Despite the setback, Senator Obama said he remains optimistic that Congress will eventually approve some sort of bailout plan.

"So I am confident that we are going to get there, but it is going to be a little rocky," said Barack Obama. "It's sort of like flying into Denver. You know you are going to land, but it's not always fun going over those mountains."

Obama also attacked his Republican opponent, Senator John McCain.

As he did in their first debate on Friday, Obama said McCain's previous support for President Bush's economic policies is the best argument for voters to support his call for change on Election Day.

"What we have seen over the last few weeks is the final verdict on this failed philosophy," he said. "This is the consequence of eight years of irresponsibility and it is time we had some adult supervision in the White House!"


Secretary of Treasury Paulson responds

Speaker of the House Nancy Pelosi, Majority Whip Jim Clyburn and Rep Barney Frank Respond

Nancy Pelosi Ask The Hard Questions And Reviews the Facts Before Bailout Vote...

Once again the Speaker of the House reminds us how this administration has operated, by bringing to the legislature dismal news of the U.S. teatering on the brink of disaster to get their way. They did it with Iraq and now they are doing it again with this Bailout Bill for their friends not middle America. Yes we need a solution but not a blank $700 Billion dollar solution with no checks and balances and no regulations. Nancy states: "The Party is Over!"....Listen in.

PKI Repost From July 08

Back in July I posted this in my blog. I wish to repost it now because I said some very prophetic things in it....things that i'm sure many knew or even felt were about to happen...approx. (2) two months after this post, we are here:
Let's talk about John McCain. He can be kind of charming until you review the facts. Charming as a garden (of biblical proportions) snake.

Today.... he said once again, that we are winning in Iraq and now we can begin to focus on Afghanistan.

Sorry McCain, Barack has always stated that Afghanistan should have been the #1 focus.

What exactly have we won Mr. McCain? I hope you're not counting dead bodies in the win column and I don't care how many insurgents or terrorist were killed. If one of them were'nt Bin laden...ya lost.

These are the facts:

The Iraqi parliment is saying that our presence has destroyed their country. They are sorry they ever met us. Additionaly, I will remind you good Senator that General Petraeus stated just 3 (short) months ago that the conditions on the ground are.... fragile and reversible...
and that we should wait 45 days before we can make an assesment if the surge has worked or not. So sir, according to the sources on the ground as you have said is the proper way to assess, we must wait until way into the month of October.

I know the American public, we have a short memory and apparently John McCain does too, but thank God, Youtube and bloggers have solved that problem. Do your due dilligence folks...don't just listen to the news, you know they have ADHD.

So although you sounded all cute at the NAACP event today and they gave you much more respect than you deserved-- (becaue they're mostly christians and that's what christians do - - your ears will be burning later and believe).

Here's what I learned today, which is the same thing I learned back in April when Gen. Petraeus testified before the Senate Armed Services Committee:

According to you and the Bush republicans...
a stable Iraq is the WIN indicator. Even though the true life facts are...our economy is in the toilet, higher unemployment rates, gas prices continue to skyrocket, banks teeter on closing their doors, folks are losing their homes at a rapid rate and the education of American children and our American future continue to not even be on the back burner!

But alas, we can sit comfortably and proud to know that Iraq is well on its way to becoming everything America should be....according to your WINNING definition.

Please note readers: I have taken liberal freedom in my post here today. Although i'm not at all far off from the posts are clearly to 1) to engage dialouge and 2) to counter what's going on in right-wing talk radio across America...I'm nice! I'm polite? but its only because I wish to continue to kiss my mom and dad and praise the Lord with this mouth so some things I just can't and won't say.

I could backslide any minute though.

Please leave your comments. I want to know how you feel out there.

The First Presidential Debates....Who won?


"One Voice"